Room Codes are available on Ediscovery rooms to all users and not only to the user that created them. Admins and users with Manage Tags and Codes permission can create, edit and delete Document Codes and Code Choices.
Getting There
You can Manage Codes by clicking on the manage icon next to Coding Panel section on File Information panel and you can also manage the choices of each code by clicking on the manage icon next to each code.
Managing Codes
Admins can add and edit existing codes. When clicking on Manage Codes icon, the window will look as the one below.
Using Forms
Adding Codes
To create a new code, just click on Add Code button, type a Name and check or not the options to set the code as Hidden and to Allow Multiple Selections. Then click on Save button.
Deleting, Editing and Sorting Codes
Codes can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon and edited by clicking on the edit icon. Name and Hidden status can be changed.
If you want to change the codes' order, you can sort them just by dragging and dropping the code in any position of the list. Just take into account that the order is universal and not per form.
Adding, Deleting and Editing Multi Selectable Choices
When clicking on Manage Choices for this Code icon next to the Multi Selectable Code, a window similar to the one below is shown.
User can delete choices by clicking on the trash bin icon, add new ones by clicking on "Add Code Choice" button or edit the choice Name and Hot Key by clicking on the edit icon.
Adding, Deleting and Editing Single Selectable Choices
When clicking on Manage Choices for this Code icon next to the Single Selectable Code, a window like the one below is shown.
User can delete choices by clicking on the trash bin icon, add new ones by clicking on "Add Code Choice" button or edit the choice Name, Color and Hot Key by clicking on the edit icon.
Choices and Hot Keys
Each choice can configure a specific and unique Hot Key allowing the user the quickly easily coding of a document.
Hot Keys are a single digit or character that can only be used once per Room. Uppercase and lowercase Hot Keys are considered different Hot Keys.
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