Administrators and users having Manage Room Expedite Rules room permission are able to manage all the room's expedite rules.
Getting There
You can access Expedite Rules management page either by clicking on Manage room menu or by right clicking on any room from My Rooms page (this last option is only valid for Admin users).
In both cases, Expedite Rules option is displayed.
Manage Room Expedite Rules
When you click on Expedite Rules option, a page like the one below will be opened.
New Rule
By clicking the New Expedite Rule button on the top right corner, the window to add a new rule is opened. Name and Trigger fields are both mandatory.
The new rule is created disabled by default and without any Condition or Action specified.
To enable/disable a rule, just check/uncheck the corresponding Enabled column. Only enabled rules will be taken into account when uploading documents.
Rules, when executed, evaluate the Condition Sets specified and apply the Actions defined to all documents matching the rule.
Rules can have none, one or more Condition Sets. If no Condition Set is specified, the rule's actions are applied to all documents. When more than one Condition Set is configured, they are all combined by OR operator.
Each Condition Set is a group of Conditions which are combined by AND operator. Available Conditions are:
- Uploader: only enabled when there is at least 1 enabled user added to the room
- By Uploader email: lists all Enabled room users. Multiple can be selected. If the room requires 2nd Level Approval, users waiting approval are not listed until approved
- Any Uploader: when checked, any user will be considered
- When documents uploaded meet the Uploader condition selected, the actions specified will be applied to all documents: archives, standalone and extracted files
- Keywords: free text to enter one or more keywords
- When the text of the documents uploaded meet the Keywords condition, the actions specified will be applied to all documents: standalone and extracted files only.
- Keyword search only runs when Index settings is ON
Rules can have none, one or more Actions which are combined by AND operator. All available Actions are:
- Quarantine: checkbox
- Documents will be quarantined and shown in the folder where uploaded and also in Quarantine folder
- Notification List: lists all Enabled users added to the room. Multiple can be selected
- An email is sent to each Enabled user added to the list
- Notification emails are only sent when Index settings is ON
- When in Template Mode/Offline room, Actions will allow Add Notification List but NO email will be sent
- Tagging List: only enabled when there are Room Tags created. Multiple can be selected
- Documents are tagged with all tags specified
- Tagging only works when Index setting is ON
- Personal tags are Not listed
Note: Users with no tagging and quarantine permissions can create rules specifying Tags and Quarantine actions
Edit Rule
In order to edit an existing rule, click the edit icon on the left side of the row. Edit Expedite Rule window will be opened, allowing to change the rule's name and trigger.
For each rule the following information can also be updated:
- Condition Sets can be added/edited/removed
- Uploader Condition: add/remove uploaders, select/unselect Any Uploader. Add/remove whole condition
- Keywords Condition: add/remove words. Add/remove whole condition
- Quarantine Action: check/uncheck
- Notification List Action: add/remove users. Add/remove whole action
- Tagging List Action: add/remove tags. Add/remove whole action
Delete Rule
If you want to delete a rule, just click on the delete icon (X) on the left side of the row. The rule will be removed from the grid.
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