This tool is available on eDiscovery rooms only. Its purpose is to provide the user a way to analyze most common Concepts on a set of documents. Admins are the ones that can Build Concepts on folders and then Open Concepts tool.
Getting There
In order to open Concepts, you need to Build it first. These options are enabled on the folder's Analytics right click menu and available for work folders, Saved Searches folders, Productions, Data Sources and Imported folders.
When Concepts has not been built on a folder, the Open Concepts option will be displayed disabled until the folder is built for Concepts.
Once building Concepts starts, a notification will be shown:
Once building finishes, if it succeeded it will display a green notification indicating that building has succeeded and Open Concepts option will be enabled on right click options.
In case of failure, it will show a magenta notification indicating that Concepts couldn't be built.
Opening Concept Analyzer
After opening Concepts, it will look like this:
If documents are added or deleted from the folder where Concepts was built, the Open option will be disabled. User needs to build Concepts again in order to refresh, update and reflect the changes.
- Rearrange Mode: allows the user to move the different bubbles and arrange concepts differently.
- Selection Mode: allows the user to select bubbles and automatically checks the corresponding concepts' rows in the grid.
- Overlay Color by Code: allows the user to view the bubbles graph from a Code's perspective. The user can filter by different codes values except for default values which are not listed as filter options. The color scale shows that the highest percentage value in the data set will be red. So for example, if the highest percentage is 50%, the color distribution should be as follows: 0 = blue, 25% = white and 50% = red.
Grid Actions
Build Single Folder
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Build Single Folder", one folder will be created under the folder where Concepts was built, containing all documents from the selected concepts. This folder is named as Concepts: Multiple
Build Folder per Concept
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Build Folder per Concept", on the Room, under the folder where Concepts was built, new folders will be created, one per concept. This folder is named as Concepts: [concept Id] First 3 concepts comma separated
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