This tool is available on eDiscovery rooms only. Admins are the ones that can create Auto Redaction Review Sets and assign documents to be auto redacted according to keywords specified during the Review Set creation.
Getting There
Right click the Review Sets folder and select option New Review Batch Set.
Creating a New Auto Redaction Review Batch Set
On Getting Started step, select "Auto Redaction Review Set".
User can specify the following:
- Name: Is a required field.
- Require Code Value to Check In: disabled for this review set type
- Review Batch Size (Document Families): document families are kept together, so all docs from the same family are included in the same batch.
- Include All Related Thread Emails: disabled for this review set type
- PreCache Batched Documents (recommended): disabled for this review set type
- Redaction Label: By default, it shows "Auto Redaction" but can be changed.
- Review Batch Size: document families are kept together, so all docs from the same family are included in the same batch.
Keywords to be Redacted: The keywords specified on this field, will be searched on documents assigned to the review set. All hits will display an Auto Redaction label on it.
Note: Regular expressions are supported, you can search for the following patterns:
SSN: $$=== == ====Date: $$== == ====US Phone Number: $$=== === ====
- Users: All room users will be shown (except for users waiting for approval on rooms that require 2nd Level Approval). You need to check which users will have access to this review set.
Reviewers: if room requires 2nd Level Approval, users waiting for approval are not shown
- If a user assigned to a Review Set is removed from the room: documents with the correct code applied, are moved to the Review Complete folder, while documents that were not coded yet, are moved back to the Queued For Review folder.
Once the Review set is created, Only Name, Batch Size and Reviewers can be edited.
In order to Assign Documents and see the Actions allowed on Auto Redaction review sets, please check the Batching (Review Sets) article.
Auto Redaction Workflow
After the Review Set is created, it will display the following folder structure:
When there's at least one review set created, folders with documents will show the Copy to... > Copy to a Review Set right click option.
Once documents are assigned to the review set, documents will be processed and while in process will be placed under "Staged for Auto Redact" folder.
Once processing is done, this folder should be empty and documents should be placed under Queued for Review if they have hits and under Review Complete and Auto Redact No Hits when docs have no hits.
Documents can also be placed under Auto Redact Exceptions folder when they fail processing the hits, such as: Excel compatible docs (Spreadsheets, CSV, etc) that are already Natively Redacted (having saved and/or unsaved redactions), Slipsheeted docs, Audio and/or Video files, etc.
Each user then "Checks out" documents by right clicking on Checked Out folder and selecting "Check Out Documents". A batch of documents will be automatically assigned to this user for review and will be shown under Checked out folder.
These documents will show unapplied redactions over the keywords found. User can review documents and Save/Delete redactions accordingly.
When running Auto Redaction on Excel compatible files (Spreadsheets, CSV, etc), the PDF Redaction mode will be used instead of the Native Redaction.
Once the user completes review on the set of documents, will right click and "Check In".
After check in, documents that don't have any unapplied redactions will go to Review Complete and Completed folders. Documents that still have unapplied redactions, will go to Queued for Review folder.
If a user assigned to a Review Set is removed from the room, documents checked out by that user are moved back to the Queued For Review folder.
If a document is removed from a Review Set, unapplied redaction marks are removed from the document.
Also, When deleting review sets, if there were documents with unapplied redactions, these unsaved labels will be removed from the documents.
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