This tool is available on eDiscovery rooms only. Its purpose is to provide the user a way to analyze communications between senders and recipients on a set of emails. Admins are the ones that can Build Communication Analyzer on folders and then Open Communication Analyzer tool.
Getting There
In order to open Communication Analyzer, you need to Build it first. These options are enabled on the folder's Analytics right click menu and available for work folders, Saved Searches folders, Productions, Data Sources and Imported folders.
When Communication Analyzer has not been built on a folder, Open Communications Analyzer will be displayed disabled until the folder is built for CA.
Once building Communication Analyzer starts, a notification will be shown:
Once building finishes, if it succeeded it will display a green notification indicating that building has succeeded and Open Communication Analyzer option will be enabled on right click options.
If it fails because the folder does not contain emails, it will show a magenta notification indicating the Communication Analyzer couldn't be built.
Opening Communication Analyzer
After opening Communication Analyzer, it will look like this:
If documents are added or deleted from the folder where Communication Analyzer was built, the Open option will be disabled. User needs to build Communication Analyzer again in order to refresh, update and reflect the changes.
Graph options
Information on the grid (Person or Domain) can be displayed in Bubble or Circle graph formats.
In both formats, a PNG can be exported when selecting "Export to PNG" option.
Also, the graph can be filtered to show up to 50, 100, 200 or All Persons or Domains.
Graph connections are weighted by number of emails.
Bubble Graph
Circle Graph
Both, the grid and the graph, can be filtered by Date. The user can either select from Begin Date and End Date dropdowns or drag and drop on time line.
Person Tab
When selecting Person tab, the grid will display all sender - receiver relationships and the amount of emails sent/received between them. So that is more clearly displayed, the user can group Senders/Recipients.
The user can check rows on the grid and the lines between those nodes will be highlighted or can click on a line between two nodes and the corresponding rows will be checked on the grid.
There are different actions that can be performed on this grid:
Create Single Folder
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Create Single Folder" (from the upper button or the grid right click option), one folder will be created under the folder where CA was built, containing all emails from the Persons selected. This folder is named as CA_Date - Time created
Create Folder by Recipient
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Create Folder Per Recipient" (from the upper button or the grid right click option), on the Room, under the folder where CA was built, new folders will be created, one per recipient. This folder is named as CA_Date - Time created (Sender -> Receiver)
Normalize Identities
If there are redundancies, the user can normalize identities just by right clicking on Person´s grid and selecting "Normalize Identities" option. Select the child and parent identities and Update.
All the emails from "Child" identity will be shown under "Parent" identity on grid and chart, therefore all rows corresponding to Child identity will no longer be shown.
Domain Tab
On Domain tab, the grid will list all the sender domain - receiver domain relationships and the amount of emails sent between them.
The user can check rows on the grid and the lines between those nodes will be highlighted or can click on a line between two nodes and the corresponding rows will be checked on the grid.
The following actions can be performed:
Create Single Folder
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Create Single Folder" (from the upper button or the grid right click option), one folder will be created under the folder where CA was built, containing all emails from the selected domains. This folder is named as CA_Date - Time created
Create Folder by Recipient
When the user checks different rows and then selects "Create Folder Per Recipient" (from the upper button or the grid right click option), on the Room, under the folder where CA was built, new folders will be created, one per recipient. This folder is named as CA_Date - Time created (Sender Domain -> Receiver Domain)
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