The 2nd Level Approval for Room Invitations feature provides the ability to require that new Users invited to the Room must go through a second approval process before they are sent invitation emails and have access to the Room.
When Should I Use the 2nd Level Approval Feature?
Often a person managing a project may not be the day-to-day administrator of the Room and would like to delegate some Room administration features, including User Management. By using this feature, the project manager can require that they or another designated user approve any new Users that are invited to the Room. If this feature is not used, any Room Admins or Users with Manage Users And Permissions room permission may invite new Users without prior approval.
Getting There
New Room/Template Creation
This feature may be enabled during the Room/Template creation process in the New Room/Template Wizard by selecting the
Room/Template Settings
Existing Rooms/Templates can enable this feature by going to the Settings & Watermarks option in the Manage Room dropdown menu
Under the General Settings section, select the checkbox next to Require 2nd Level Approval to Invite Users
2nd Level Approval Workflow
Designating Approvers
In order to utilize this feature, one or more Users must exist in the Room designated as "Approvers", meaning that they have the ability to provide 2nd level approval and will receive notifications when new Users are invited to the Room.
Room Administrators are approvers themselves by default. They may also designate additional Approvers in two ways:
Invite Approver to Room
If the Approver does not already exist in the Room, the Approver may be designated when they are invited to the Room. Please refer to Inviting New Users to the Room article for additional information on how to invite new Room Users and to designate them as Approvers.
Designate Existing Room User
If the User to designate as Approver already exists in the Room, Room Admins or Users with Manage Users and Permission room permission may change their Approver condition.
Access the Room Users page under the Manage Room menu, select one or more users and choose the Change User Approver Status item from the User Actions dropdown menu.
Please refer to Room Users Administration article for additional information.
Note: when invited users belong to a domain which is included in DB SiteSettingKeyEnum 55, they will be marked as approvers by default, no matter what type of user they are. For more information, please refer to Configuring Site Settings article.
Inviting Users
When inviting users (Approvers and non Approvers) on a 2nd Level Approval Room, on the Invite Users wizard, you need to select one or more "Designated Approvers" which are all the approvers from the Room.
Only the selected "Designated Approvers" will receive an email notifying them that there are Users awaiting Approval and provide a link to the User Approval page.
The Invited users must be approved by at least one of the designated approvers in order to receive the invitation email to the Room. The approvers are listed under Wait Approve By column.
Until then, they will be marked as pending Approval by having a check mark shown in the Wait Approval column of the Room Users grid.
Only when the user sending the invitations is selected as "Designated Approver", the users being invited will be automatically approved, added to the room and invitation emails sent right away.
When inviting Site Admins and/or Environment Admins, they will be marked as approvers by default, but this can be changed/overridden during the invitation process.
Please refer to Inviting New Users to the Room article for additional information.
Approving Invited Users
Once users have been invited to the Room, the designated Room Approvers will receive an email from the Site notifying them that there are Users awaiting Approval and provide a link to the User Approval page.
Additionally, when logging in, Approvers will see an alert message in My Rooms page indicating that Users are awaiting their Approval and provide a link to the Approval page
Clicking on the email button or the alert message will take you to the User Invitations Pending 2nd Level Approval page.
User Invitations Pending 2nd Level Approval Page
This page shows all Users that are waiting for Approval in any of the Rooms where the User is a designated Approver. Users may be Approved or Rejected by selecting one or more users and clicking the Reject Selected or Approve Selected buttons.
Approved Users will receive an invitation email and will be allowed access to the Room.
Rejected Users will not receive an email and will be removed from the Room Users list.
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