After a production has been numbered, it can be prepared for download.
Right click on the production and select "Prepare Production for Download".
After process completes (it may take long if production is large), Production will display bates numbers and lock icon. Its status is "Ready for Production Download". New documents can't be added, and existing documents can't be deleted.
User can right click a production folder and Copy Production Bates Range.
Now that documents are ready, these can be downloaded. For more information, check How do I download a Production? article.
In case the prepare for download fails, the production folder will show an Error icon. The user will be able to re launch the process.
Produce PDF
When selected, the PDF version of each document is produced. If the PDF can't be delivered, a Slipsheet file is created instead.
- Produce Native file when PDF cannot be created: when checked, for those documents that can't be produced as PDF, a Slipsheet file will be generated and the Native version will be produced instead.
- Brand PDFs with Bates label: only enabled when Produce Pdf is selected. When checked, the documents will include Bates numbers on the bottom right hand corner.
Branding Options:
When Brand PDFs and Bates label option is selected, "Add Branding Criteria" button is enabled. Using this option you can also select which other labels will be stamped on the produced document.
You need to select first the Branding Source Type, which can be Codes, Tags or Custom Text.
When selecting Codes or Tags, "Select Code/Tag Name" and "Select choice value to brand" dropdowns will be enabled so that you can specify which Tag/Code and its choice you want to brand. The default text to be branded will be shown on Custom Text field, but can be edited.
When selecting Custom Text option, you just need to type the text that will be branded on the document.
Tags, Codes and Custom Text will be branded on the bottom left hand corner of the document. Landscaped pages will be rotated prior to application of Bates numbers
Multiple branding criteria can be added, but only the Tags/Coded that apply to the document will be branded.
Produce TIFF/JPG
Only when Produce PDF is selected, the TIFF/JPG option will be enabled.
- Black and White TIFF: this is the default option, outputs black and white tiffs
- Color for Color TIFF/JPG: outputs page with substantial color in JPG and TIFF for pages without substantial color
- Color for Color TIFF: outputs page with substantial color in TIFF (LZW compressed) and TIFF (black and white) for pages without substantial color
Produce Native
Native version of each document is produced.
If the production was created with Produce PDF option and without Produce Native, all file types specified in "Produce Native File Types" setting, will be produced natively as well. When documents are forced to produce natively, a slip-sheet is created for the Pdf/Image.
- Custom Native Slipsheet Text: Text that will appear on slip sheets for documents produced natively
- Do not produce native files for redacted documents: if this option is checked, Native file will not be produced for documents included in the production that are redacted. It will also prevent producing source emails natively if their attachments are redacted.
NOTE: when Produce PDF is checked AND Produce Native is checked AND Do not produce native files for redacted documents is also checked, if Embedded Object is Redacted (Native OR Regular/PDF) the PDF production of parent document will be forced.
Produce Text
The text version of the file will be produced when this option is selected. If the text version can't be delivered, a text file will be created saying "Document Could not be indexed"
For each document, Documents grid will show the version that was produced. You can check the following columns: Produce PDF, Produce Native, Produce Text, Pdf Slipsheeted, Native Slipsheeted, Text Slipsheeted.
Clearing Production Folder
In order to clear produced documents from File Server, you need to right click on the production and select "Clear Production Folder". Now that documents have been cleared, you are no longer able to download this production folder.
Bates numbers from Document grid will not be cleared.
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