The application allows Admins to produce PDF, Native and/or Text formats of documents only on rooms having Ediscovery mode enabled.
Creating a Production
In order to create a new Production, right click on "Productions" folder displayed on Folders tree, then select "Add New Production" option.
You will see production folders ordered by Begin Bates and then Folder Name.
Start a New Production Sequence
Production Name: name of the folder that will contain the produced documents. This field is required and cannot be blank. Prefix: characters that will precede the production numbering. This field is required and cannot be blank. Up to 10 characters can be entered. The following characters are not allowed: / \ : * ? " < > | Production Sort: by default Custodian/Data Source; Main Date; Parent DocId/DocId is shown but it can be changed. Numbering Type - Page: value set by default. It will generate a new incremental number (Bates number) on every page across the document set. - Document: will generate a new number for each document. Document Padding: total number of digits that will be used in the production numbering. For example, if this value is 5, the first production number will be 00001. By default its set to 5. Page Padding: total number of digits that will be used in the page portion of the Production Numbering. For example, if it is set to 3, the first production numbering will be 00001_001. This field is disabled when Numbering is by Page. Begin Bates: first number that should be used in the Production Numbering. If a previously used production prefix is chosen, this will automatically be populated with the next available number from that sequence. End Bates: last number in the Production Numbering sequence. This will be automatically populated once the Production is numbered. This field is always disabled. Formats to Produce - Produce PDF: when checked, the PDF version of the document will be produced - Produce TIFF/JPG: when checked, the Image version of the document will be produced. The default value is Black and White TIFF - Produce Native: when checked, it will produce the Native version of the document - Produce Text: it will produce the text version of the document |
Produce native file when PDF cannot be created: when checked, for documents that can't be produced as PDF, it will produce the Native version of the document under Native folder; along with a Slipsheet file under the PDF folder. Brand PDF with Bates label: when checked, the documents will be branded with labels with Document Codes and/or Tags in the bottom left-hand portion of the pdf. When more than one value is selected, multiline brand labels are added. |
Produce Native File Types: if Produce PDF and/or Produce Text options are checked, all file types specified in this setting, will be produced natively as well. Custom Native Slipsheet Text: Text that will appear on slip sheets for documents produced natively Do not produce native files for redacted documents: when the option is checked, Native will not be produced for Documents that are redacted. If attachments are redacted, source emails won't be produced as native files either.
NOTE: when Produce PDF is checked AND Produce Native is checked AND Do not produce native files for redacted documents is also checked, if Embedded Object is Redacted (Native OR Regular/PDF) the PDF production of parent document will be forced.
The columns in the Cross Reference Files included in each production, .csv and .dat, can be customized. User can select from Document Metadata, Document Codes and/or Room/Personal Tags. The Caption can be changed for each field. |
Continue an Existing Production Sequence
When selecting this option, you can select a previous production and continue its sequence, therefore you must select one production from the dropdown.
This dropdown will display all "Numbered" and "Ready for Download" productions on the room. You can filter the dropdown by Production Name or by Bates.
After clicking "Next" button, all Production settings will be displayed.
Production Name, Prefix, Numbering Type, Document Padding and Page Padding fields are automatically populated with previous production's values but can be edited. Begin Bates field is also automatically populated, and displays the next available number from the sequence of previous production.
When you click "Ok" button, the production will be created. You will now see a folder named after "Production Name" displayed under "Productions" folder. This new production is initially in "Not Numbered" status and will display 0 in folder's document count.
Adding documents to a Production
There are 2 ways to add documents to a Production:
- Drag and Drop from other folders: You can select documents from Regular folders, My Starred Items, All Search Hits and Production folders (no matter its status) and drag them into a Production Folder.
- Use "Copy to a Production Folder" option: If you want to copy all documents from a folder to a production folder, you can use this option. Just select the folder (Regular folders, My Starred Items, All Search Hits or other Production folder in any status), right click and select "Copy to a Production Folder" option. From the dropdown, select the Production folder where the documents are going to be copied to.
- Use "Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)" option: same option as above but includes all docs in all subfolders recursively.
Once documents are added into a Production Folder, the Production's folder document count will be updated.
Now that the Production has documents, it can be numbered. For more information, please refer to Numbering Documents article.
Editing a Production
A Production may be edited only when it's "Not Numbered". Right click on the Production and select "Edit Production" option.
The "Edit Production" screen is displayed. All Production fields except for "End Bates" (which is disabled and empty) can be edited.
Viewing Production's Settings
Once a Production has been numbered or has been prepared for production download, you can View the production's settings. Just right click on it and select "View Production Settings".
A window will be displayed showing all production's settings disabled, except for "Production Name" which is the only field enabled that can be edited.
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