The application allows you to Create or Save an existing room as a Template so that later on, new rooms can be quickly and easily created from this template, replicating its Folder Structure, Tags, Users, Groups, Documents, Lists and Settings.
Getting There
Only users that can Create Rooms are able to create and view templates. Under My <Site_name>, there is an option called My Templates.
How can I create Templates?
Templates can be created in two ways:
- On My Templates, Template Actions, Create New Template. For more information, please refer to Creating a New Room/Template article.
- Using the option Save Room as Template on a specific room. Refer to Saving a Room as a Template article for detailed information.
What Actions can be performed on a Template?
The following actions can be performed on templates:
- Create New Template: refer to Creating a New Room/Template article.
- Offline Selected: Select one or more templates and then select this option to disable them. Once they are disabled they will be displayed with a gray background. Offline Templates will not be displayed on New Room wizard, when selecting Templates as source. Note: In order to display disabled templates on the grid, click on the toggle button to Show disabled Templates.
- Online Selected: In order to enable disabled templates, you need to select the templates and then select this option. Templates will be back online.
- Remove Users from Selected: If you need to remove users from one or more templates select the template, then select Template Actions menu and choose the option "Remove Users from Selected". A window will pop up containing a list of users belonging to the templates selected. Select the users to be removed and click on "Remove" button. Template Users shouldn't receive any email when they are removed from a template.
Editing Templates
The following items can be modified on a template:
- Folders: These can be added, deleted, renamed and moved. The user will not be able to create Document Requests on template folders or Subscribe to them.
- Settings and Watermarks: All settings can be edited.
- Users and Groups: Users and groups can be added, removed or modified. When users are invited to/removed from a template, they will not receive any email.
- Room Tags and Codes: These can be added, deleted and renamed.
- Work Lists: All can be added, deleted and edited.
- Expedite Rules: All can be added, deleted and edited.
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