On a room, Admins can mark documents as Slipsheet because of different reasons: corrupted file, email archive, etc.
- Manually: right click on a document or multiple documents that have Not been numbered or produced and select Processing > "Slipsheet" option. A window showing all available reasons is opened. Only one choice can be selected.
Slipsheet reasons:
- Archive
- Corrupted
- Email Archive
- Encrypted
- FileId document is too big
- Other
- Precache Failed
- Unsupported
- Automatically: If the document file size exceeds Precache Limit MB defined in FileId table, then it will be automatically marked as slipsheet.
How do slipsheeted documents look like?
When marked as slipsheet, the viewer will show the slipsheet version instead of the native one. The document can still be downloaded in its native version. When downloading the pdf version, the slipsheet pdf will be downloaded instead.
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