The application provides the ability to easily and quickly create new Rooms from scratch or to use templates and existing rooms as the starting point. This article will discuss how to create a new Room.
Who Can Create New Rooms?
Users assigned one or more of the following User Types:
- Site User Type: Site Admin
- Site User Type: Environment Creator
- Environment User Type: Environment Admin
- Environment User Type: Room Creator
Creating a New Room
- Log into your Site
- From the Site Homepage, My Rooms, click the Room Actions dropdown button and select Create New Room.
The Create New Room Wizard will open.
To create a new Template. Select the Create New Template option on the Template Actions dropdown button on the My Templates page.
Create New Room: Simplified Wizard
Rooms can be created in a single step after completing all mandatory fields.
Select Environment (required): Environments are groups of Rooms that can be managed together. Refer to Environments article for additional information.
Expand the Environment dropdown selector and choose where to create the new Room. If it isn't shown, this means that you are assigned to that Environment only and there is no need to select it while creating the room. Your room will be automatically created under that specific environment.
Room Name (required): name of the Room that will be displayed in My Rooms list. Typically this would be the name of the client project.
Select a Client (required): rooms are required to be assigned to a Client. Choose an existing Client from the dropdown or you can also create a new Client by clicking the "Add New Client" icon.
Matter ID: it's a matter billing number or any other description that may be assigned to the Room. This field can be optional or required depending on the value of SiteSettingKeyEnum 54. When required, an additional validation occurs. The combination of Client and Matter ID must be unique.
Please refer to Configuring Site Settings article for additional information.
Require Nondisclosure Agreement (optional): if the environment selected Requires NDA, this setting is checked by default and Edit NDA enabled. This means that the user has to acknowledge before being allowed to enter the room.
English, Japanese, Korean and Spanish NDA text can be changed at room level separately.
Expire User After Inactive X Days: the user will be marked as expired after X days have passed since the last time the user accessed the room. If the environment selected has this setting configured, the room inherits it but can be overridden during creation time.
ND Threshold: used for calculating the ND similarity percentage. It's inherited from the environment, if present.
Create New Room: Advanced Wizard
When checking "Use Advanced Room Creation Wizard" option, more steps are shown so that the user can specify additional settings during the room creation process.
Advanced Wizard: Getting Started
In addition to Room Name, Client, Matter ID and Require NDA, the following options are shown:
Other Room Settings
- Require 2nd Level Approval to Invite Users: when checked, it requires that Users invited to the Room go through an approval process before accessing. Please refer to 2nd Level Approval for Room Invitations article for additional information.
- Upload files with same filename and folder path as a new version: when checked, folders and files will be overridden generating a new document version. This setting doesn't apply when uploading list item attachments, documents through Document Requests and/or moving/copying documents through Index View or Room Compare.
- Inherit Room Role Folder For Second Level Folder
Watermark Settings
- Apply Watermarks to All Folders: if this option is checked, all documents in the room will be watermarked.
- Use Email as Watermark Text: this option will cause watermarked content in the Room to display the User's email address as part of the watermark text.
- Use Current Date as Watermark Text: this option will cause watermarked content in the Room to display Current Date and Time as part of the watermark text.
- Watermark Free Text: the text (multi line field) entered by the user will appear as watermark. If the Use Email and/or Current Date as Watermark Text options are also selected, all texts will be concatenated and shown at the same time.
- Advanced Watermark Settings: the Color, Font Size and Transparency of the watermark text can also be customized.
Once you've completed all desired fields, click Next button to continue.
Advanced Wizard: Select Source
- Blank: will create a new Room from scratch.
- Template: will allow you to select a Template from the Existing Room/Template dropdown selector. If you do not have access to any Templates, the Existing Room/Template dropdown will be empty.
- Room: will allow you to select another Room (belonging to the selected Environment) from the Existing Room/Template dropdown selector.
Please refer to What are Templates? article for additional information on Templates.
If an Existing Room or Template is selected, a message will be displayed asking the user if he wants to overwrite the new room's settings with the settings from the selected source.
If the user chooses to overwrite, all Processing Settings, all Getting Started options will be overwritten except for: Room Name, Client and Matter ID.
When using an existing source, you may select which elements from the selected Room or Template you wish to copy to the new Room:
- Copy Tags and Codes: checking this option will copy all Tags and Codes (code shortcut key are also copied)
- Copy Groups: checking this option will copy all User Groups and User Group Permissions
- Copy Users: checking this option will copy all Users
- Copy Folders: checking this option will copy all folders from Folders Tree
- Copy Documents: checking this option will copy all Documents
- Copy Lists: checking this option will copy all Work Lists
- Copy List Items: checking this option will copy all Work Lists Items (including their attachments)
- Turn off Room Alerts and Emails: this setting is Not shown on the wizard, but when a source is selected its value is carried over to the new room created
Once you've made your selection, click Next button to continue.
Advanced Wizard: Processing Settings
Processing Settings
During creation process, you can choose which processing tasks will run on uploaded documents.
Full Processing
If this option is selected, it means that all processing tasks are going to be executed for all documents uploaded into the room. If the environment selected has Processing Settings defined, the room will inherit the default values defined at environment level. These settings can be overridden.
The tasks to be run are:
- Extract Archive: when an archive or email is uploaded, all its content is extracted and uploaded on destination folder.
- Extract Embedded Objects: when this option is checked, files with embedded objects uploaded to data source folders will be extracted. Available on Ediscovery rooms only. Once this setting is checked and saved, it cannot be unchecked.
- Pre-Cache: running this task allows the document to be loaded in a faster way.
- OCR: the application offers an Optical Character Recognition capability that will automatically attempt to recognize text in image or PDF files. The quality of the recognition depends on the quality of the image or PDF that is uploaded
- Index: the purpose of indexing documents is to be able to perform searches on their content
- Metadata: the purpose of collecting metadata of the uploaded documents
- Hashcode: is the internal process of assigning each document a unique alphanumeric value in order to uniquely identify a document
- Transcode: converts video files so they can be reproduced in the browser's viewer. It's important to check this setting when uploading files with extensions: .mp4, .webm, .avi, .mov
- Perform Near Duplicate Analysis: when this option is checked, documents uploaded to any folder go thru the ND process except files uploaded as List Item Attachments.
- Deduplicate eDiscovery Documents: running this task allows to remove duplicate documents (uploaded to Data Source folders) in the room. Available on Ediscovery rooms only.
- Perform Email Thread Analysis: when this option is checked, documents uploaded to Data Source folders go thru the ETA process. Available on Ediscovery rooms only.
Repository Mode
When this mode is chosen, none of the tasks above are run. This mode is mainly used to just store and organize documents. Processing tasks can be updated at a later time from within the Room's Settings. For further information, please refer to Room Settings & Watermarks article.
Other Advanced Processing Settings
If this option is chosen, a pop up like the one below will be displayed in which you can choose which specific processing tasks will be executed. These tasks can be updated afterwards from within the Room's Settings. For further information, please refer to Room Settings & Watermarks article.
Show Diff Viewer: if this option is selected, the Viewer shows an additional option "Diff View", which allows the user to compare the content between two docs.
OCR PDFs containing text: if this option is selected, the application will OCR PDF documents. If this option is not selected, the application will not OCR PDF documents and will attempt to extract any text that may already exist in the PDF text layer.
Time Zone
By default, the environment's time zone is selected, but it can be changed to any other value.
Expected Document Languages
Select one or more of the languages that are expected to be in the documents to be uploaded. Selecting more than one language may cause the OCR process to go more slowly.
Available languages are: English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Arabic.
English and the Site's default language (language configured under Site Admin > Site Settings) will be checked by default.
OCR Engines Available
The application includes a default OCR engine called Tesseract. Depending on the Site, additional OCR engines may be available. Please contact your Site Administrator regarding other OCR engine options.
Ediscovery Mode
If the room didn't originally have Ediscovery Mode on, when enabled Review Sets, eDiscovery Sources, Models and Productions folders will be shown. Please refer to Producing Documents article for additional information.
Advanced Wizard: Automatic Document Deletion
During creation process, you can choose whether to have Automatic Document Deletion on your room or not. If the environment selected has Automatic Document Deletion On, the room will inherit the default values defined at environment level. These settings can be overridden.
When this feature is enabled, documents will automatically be deleted from the Room after the specified number of days after the document is uploaded.
When the Flagged Date is met, documents will be moved to the Pending Automated Deletion folder, but not deleted from the Room. Only the Room Administrator has access to this folder. When the Actual Date is met, the documents will be fully deleted from the Room and no longer be accessible.
If room doesn't have this feature on, Pending Automated Deletion folder will not be shown.
Once you have completed the Room Settings, click Create Room to create the new Room. The new Room will appear in your My Rooms list and you will be automatically added to Default group as a Room Admin User Type.
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