File Information panel allows all users to easily and quickly access specific information and document related features such as versions, codes, tagging, custom fields, notes and Email Threads.
If the user doesn't have access to all the features, because of his user type and/or the Room permissions granted to his group, some sections will be hidden or shown empty.
The same applies to each quick Action shortcut. Options will be enabled or not depending on the user's permissions and the status of the document currently selected.
The panel is shown on the right-most side of the window next to Document Viewer. When a document is focused, the panel will show its information grouped by section.

File Information panel can be closed by clicking on X on the top left corner. To display it again, click on i icon on File Name column on Documents grid.

File Information
- Always shown for All users
- Legend shown when no document is selected
Star/Unstar: if you want to keep all your important documents together to come back later and easily find them, you can click on the Star icon and this will create a link to the document under "My Starred Items". Only available on rooms (not templates).
Versions dropdown
- Shown when user has "See Versions" permission
- All active (not deleted) versions are listed
- If the user doesn't have "See Versions" permission, dropdown is Not shown. A text field is shown instead with the File Name only.
- See Document Versions for additional information
- ID
- Main Date
Original Folder Path: only shown on rooms with Ediscovery mode enabled. It shows the container name (zip, pst, msg, etc)\[any internal folder structure]\<file_name>. It's hidden when empty.
Custodian: names of all the custodians where the same document was uploaded. It's only shown on rooms with Ediscovery mode enabled for docs uploaded to Datasource folders. It's hidden when empty.
Document Actions
- Always shown for All users, each icon will be enabled or not depending on specific permissions
Rename and Delete: only enabled when user can Manage the document's folder. See Documents List article.
Download: depends on the folder's Download permissions
Share Document: depends on the user's permissions. See Sharing Documents article.
Redact Document: depends on the user's permission and the document's status. See Redaction article.
- All actions affect the document currently focused. If multiple documents are selected, only the single focused document will take the action.
Coding Panel

- Section not displayed when there are no codes/tags defined or the user doesn't have "Tag and Code Documents" permission
- Document Codes will be shown when room has Ediscovery mode On
- Check Managing Room Codes for more information.
- When a document has been coded and user is Admin or Power User, a tooltip is shown on the selected code with the date and person that coded it
- With "Manage Tags" permission, icon to access and Manage Room Tags is shown
- With "Manage Personal Tags" permission, icon to access and Manage Personal Tags is shown
- See Tagging Documents article
- Section not displayed when the user doesn't have "Notes" permission
- Both, private and public notes are shown
- Darker blue: private notes
- Light blue: public notes created by the current user
- Gray: notes created by other users
- Notes can be added, edited and deleted
- See Notes article
Custom Fields
- Section not displayed when there are no visible custom fields defined in the room or the user doesn't have "See Custom Fields" permission
- Read only custom fields are shown greyed out
- User can assign different custom fields values to a document and Save
- In order to remove a value, just Clear the corresponding custom field and Save
- See Managing Room Custom Fields article.
Email Thread
- Section not displayed when room setting Perform Email Thread Analysis is turned off.
- All documents that are part of the same Thread, are grouped and shown together.
- See Email Thread Analysis article.
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