The Folders List is used to easily organize documents in a Room. A folder may contain one or more documents or other folders. The Folders List is displayed as the left-most Room panel.
Each Room contains a root folder named Work Folders. Root folder cannot be deleted or renamed.
Folder Properties
Folders have different icons that indicate its properties
Icon | Meaning |
Indicates that you have access to the documents in the folder |
Indicates that you do not have access to the documents in the folder |
Indicates that you have Manage permission on this folder. The Manage permission provides the following abilities:
When the folder is named:
Indicates that this folder was created as the result of a saved search created thru Search Manager or by dragging and dropping All Search Hits folder. |
To the right of the folder name, a folder may have one or more additional icons or labels that further indicate additional properties
Icon | Meaning |
Indicates that you have subscribed to folder alerts for the folder | |
The blue number next to folder's name indicates the folder's documents count. | |
Grand count that indicates total amount of documents in current folder and subfolders | |
Label used when displaying search hits in the Folders List. The first number indicates the total number of documents in the folder responsive to the search criteria. The second number indicates the total number of documents in the folder. When there's more than 10K search hits, this label is not shown. | |
Button that launches the folder's context menu options without having to right-click on it |
Production folders where documents have already been produced and are ready for download |
Production folders where documents have been numbered but not produced yet |
Production folders where documents haven't been numbered yet |
Special Folders
In addition to the Root folder and subfolders, other special folders may be displayed in the Folders List depending on the context
Icon | Meaning |
This special folder will appear above the Root folder when a Search Filter has been applied. This folder will contain all documents in the Room that you have access to that are responsive to the selected search criteria. The search folder will be named the same as the saved search name or the quick search search term | |
This special folder will appear above the Root folder when linked documents' URL is applied. This folder will contain all documents in the Room that you have access to that are responsive to the selection. The search folder will be named "Linked Documents" | |
Groups all review sets created in the room. Only shown on rooms (not templates) when Ediscovery mode is enabled. You will see these folders if you are an Admin/Power User or you were assigned to a review set. | |
Groups all custodians created in the room. Only shown on rooms (not templates) when Ediscovery mode is enabled. Only seen by Admins | |
Identifies Custodian folders. Only shown under eDiscovery Sources folder and seen by Admins | |
Identifies Data Source folders. Only shown under Custodian folders and seen by Admins. Folder structure under these folders, will be shown or not (flatten), depending on the "IsEdiscoveryFlattenFolderMode" column value from Room table. | |
Special folder that contains all documents you have starred. Only shown on rooms (not templates) | |
Contains documents that have been shared with the user currently logged in. Only shown on rooms (not templates) | |
Work Lists folder groups all lists created in the room. Only seen by Admins and users with See Room Work Lists room permission | |
Contains one subfolder for each user documents that have been shared with. Only shown on rooms (not templates) | |
Groups all models created in the room. Only shown on rooms (not templates) when Ediscovery mode is enabled. Only seen by Admins. A model folder cannot be deleted when is associated with a Quik Assisted Review Set | |
Groups all productions created in the room. Only shown on rooms (not templates) when Ediscovery mode is enabled. Only seen by Admins. You will see production folders ordered by Begin Bates and then Folder Name. | |
Groups all Imports created in the room. Only shown on rooms (not templates) when Ediscovery mode is enabled. Only seen by Admins. If there's no import, this folder is hidden. | |
Pending Automated Deletion folder displays all documents that have met their flagged for deletion date. Only shown when room has Automatic Document Deletion mode enabled. Only seen by Admins | |
Displays all quarantined documents in the room the user has access to. Only seen by Admins and/or Power Users. If there's no quarantined doc, this folder is hidden. | |
Contains documents that you have deleted from any folder |
Using the Folders List
Selecting a Folder
You can select a folder by clicking on it. The folder background will darken to indicate that it has been selected. The Documents List will display the documents in the selected folder.
Folder Context Menu
Right-clicking on a folder, using the button that launches the right-click context menu or the long-press gesture on touchscreen devices will display a context menu with the following options:
Expand Folder: the selected folder will be expanded, showing its subfolders. This option is displayed on regular folders only (not virtual) but is not displayed on Index View and Room Compare tools.
New Folder: just type a name of the folder and it will create a new folder under the one selected. This action requires the Manage permission on the selected folder.
Delete Folder: will delete the folder and its documents/subfolders. This action requires the Manage permission on the selected folder.
Rename Folder: will let you change the folder's name. This action requires the Manage permission on the selected folder.
- Build Communication Analyzer: This option is used to build Communication analyzer on the selected folder.
- Open Communication Analyzer: Once Communication Analyzer is built, use this option to open this advanced tool.
- Build Concepts: This option is used to build Concepts on the selected folder.
- Open Concepts: Once Concept Analyzer is built, use this option to open this advanced tool.
Manage Notifications: allows to configure notifications when new documents are uploaded or added to the folder. Just right click on the folder, select the "Manage Notifications" option and specify the notification type you prefer. A pink circle will be displayed on the folder to identify each folder the has notifications configured. For more information on Notifications, please refer to How can I Configure notifications on Folders?
Upload: you can upload documents or folders. This action requires the Manage permission granted. For more information, please refer to Uploading Documents & Folders
Download: all documents in a folder and its subfolders can be downloaded if you have permissions on the folder selected. You can choose between Native or PDF versions of the documents.
Copy Folder Link: allows the user to copy the folder's URL so that it can be pasted on another browser tab. It will open the room with focus on that specific folder. All Search Hits and Shared folders don't allow to Copy Folder Link.
Mass Code / Tag: allows the user to select multiple documents and assign / remove codes and/or tags from all of them at the same time.
Processing: available options are OCR Documents , Precache (when selected, the "Ignore Precache Timeout" option is displayed) and Delete Folder Documents from Room.
Copy to:
- Copy to a Production Folder: allows the user to copy the folder's documents to a production folder. Documents on subfolders are Not considered. Option available from: regular folders, All Search Hits, My Starred Items and Production folders.
- Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders): allows the user to copy the folder's and all subfolders' documents to a production folder.
- Copy to a model folder
- Copy to a Review Set: allows the user to copy the folder's documents to a review set folder. Documents on subfolders are Not considered. Option available from: regular folders, All Search Hits, My Starred Items, Production folders and Data Source folders.
Export Report: the complete folders list can be exported either to Excel or PDF.
Empty Recycle Bin: will only appear in the context-menu of Recycle Bin folder.
- When logged in user is Power User or Admin:
- he sees ALL docs deleted in the room (not only his own)
- he can restore docs deleted by anyone
- when Recycle Bin is manually emptied, ALL docs are removed, not only his own deleted docs - When logged in user is Access:
- he only sees docs deleted by himself
- he can only restore docs deleted by himself
- when Recycle Bin is manually emptied, he only removes docs deleted by himself
Recycle Bin can be manually or automatically emptied. In both cases, all documents will be moved to Manage Deleted Documents page.
When done automatically by the system, it depends on the amount of Days set on SiteSettingKeyEnum 60. Please refer to Configuring Site Settings article for additional information.
Options shown on SAVED SEARCH folders (created thru Search Manager or by dragging and dropping All Search Hits folder)
- Update Folder Search Results: only available for Room Admins and/or Power Users. When selected, the search is re-executed and matching documents are updated.
- Open in Quik Search Manager: only available for Room Admins and/or Power Users.
- Convert Saved Search Folder to Regular folder: only available for Room Admins and/or Power Users.
- Predict
- Delete Folder
- Rename Folder
- Analytics (Build/Open Communication Analyzer, Build/Open Concepts)
- Download
- Copy Folder Link
- Mass Code / Tag
Processing /Admin:
OCR Documents
- Delete Folder Documents from Room: will delete documents an all the copies from the room.
Copy to:
- Copy to a Production Folder
- Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)
- Copy to a model folder
- Copy to a Review Set
Options shown on WORK LISTS and each LIST folder:
- Manage Work Lists : shown on Work Lists folder It opens Manage Work Lists page. In order to see this option, Manage Room Work Lists and See Room Work Lists permissions are required.
- Delete Work List: only shown on specific Lists folders. It allows to permanently delete a list. In order to see this option, Manage Room Work Lists and See Room Work Lists permissions are required.
- Rename Work List: only shown on specific Lists folders. It allows to change the list's name. In order to see this option, Manage Room Work Lists and See Room Work Lists permissions are required.
- Download All Work List Items Attachments: only shown on specific Lists folders. It allows to download all the list items attachments of the selected list. In order to see this option, See Room Work Lists permission is required.
- Copy Work List Link: shown on Work Lists folder and specific Lists folders. Allows to copy the URL so that it can be pasted on a browser and opened directly. In order to see this option, See Room Work Lists permission is required.
Options shown on each MODEL folder:
- Edit Model
- Build Model
- Delete Model
- Analytics (Build/Open Communication Analyzer, Build/Open Concepts)
- Download
- Copy Model Link
- Mass Code / Tag
Processing / Admin: available options are OCR Documents and Precache.
Copy to:
- Copy to a Production Folder
- Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)
- Copy to a model folder
- Copy to a Review Set
Options shown on each PRODUCTION folder:
- Predict
- Edit Production (or View Production Settings depending on the production status)
- Bates Number Production
- Prepare Production for Download
- Download Production
- Copy Production Bates Range: shown on each specific Production folder only.
- Clear Bates
- Clear Production Folder
- Delete Production
- Analytics (Build/Open Communication Analyzer, Build/Open Concepts)
- Download
- Copy Production Link: shown on Productions and each specific Production folder. Allows to copy the URL so that it can be pasted on a browser and opened directly.
- Mass Code / Tag
Processing / Admin: available options are OCR Documents and Precache.
Copy to:
- Copy to a Production Folder
- Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)
- Copy to a model folder
- Copy to a Review Set
- Refer to articles on Producing Documents section for more information on other specific Production folder options.
Options shown on EDISCOVERY SOURCE folder:
New Custodian: just type a name for the Custodian and it will create a new folder. Custodians are specific and available only at a room level, not per environment.
Options shown on CUSTODIAN folders:
- Assign Data Source: you can select among existing data sources or create new ones.
- Delete Custodian: when deleted, all data sources and its documents are deleted as well.
- Rename Custodian
- Delete Custodian documents from room: will delete documents from the selected custodian an all the copies from the room.
Options shown on DATA SOURCE folders:
- Predict
- Delete Data Source
- Rename Data Source
- Analytics (Build/Open Communication Analyzer, Build/Open Concepts)
- Upload
- Download
- Mass Code / Tag
- Precache
- Delete DataSource Documents from Room: will delete documents from the selected data source an all the copies from the room.
Copy to
Copy to a Production Folder
Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)
- Copy to a model folder
Copy to a Review Set
Options shown on each IMPORT folder:
- Predict
- Delete Folder
- Analytics (Build/Open Communication Analyzer, Build/Open Concepts)
- Download
- Copy Import Link
- Mass Code / Tag
Processing / Admin
OCR Documents
- Delete Folder Documents from Room
Copy to:
- Copy to a Production Folder
- Copy to a Production Folder (With Subfolders)
- Copy to a model folder
- Copy to a Review Set
Moving Folders
Users may move folders within the Folders List by clicking on the folder to move and dragging it to another folder. You must have Manage permission on both, the folder to move and the destination folder.
Copying Folders
Folders can be copied by selecting the folder and pressing Shift key at the same time. You can drag and drop it under another folder, and it will copy the folder and its subfolders and documents to the selected location. You need to have Manage permissions on both folders.
Folder Options
Next to the arrows to Expand/Collapse folders, click on the three dots to display a menu showing the option "Show recursive document counts".
The option is checked by default unless changed and saved in the User Preferences.
When checked, a grand total count will be displayed to the right of the folder count in all folders except for some Virtual Folders. This count represents the total amount of documents in the current folder and all its subfolders.
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